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R&R courses are designed and implemented following a standard process, starting with training needs analysis, course design, material development, implementation, and post-training support. The courses are implemented by an active and learner-centred training approach. The skill-based focus methodology provides the learners with practical skills – the ability to do specific task right in the course. R&R has designed and delivered hundred of training course in community development, project planning, project implementation, monitoring & evaluation, method and skills in project management (reporting, facilitation skill, even management, effective presentation...), climate change adaptation, disaster risk management. All the courses have been highly evaluated by the learner and partners for their practicality as well as the knowledge and skills provided to learners.

Life Skills
Project Coordination
M&E Training

Given the fact that many vocational schools and universities do not provide the students with skills adequately, R&R makes its efforts to fill the gap with the courses on life skills necessary for adolescents and youth. These skills are also integrated other skills and methods courses that R&R provides. The skills include (but not limited to): listening skills, presentation skills, decision-making skills, effective speaking, emotional management, conflict management, team working, meeting design, stress controlling, and failure management.

Project coordination is the manager’s task once the project comes to the implementation stage. The course provides the participants with knowledge and skills to effective handle the coordination of a project. Managers are provided with tools and methods used in the project implementation management. The project managers also discover important aspects of project management that are often overlooked. The formulation of the processes in project coordination will unexpectedly help managers doing work their work more smoothly and effectively.

Monitoring & Evaluation is the essential activity to ensure the project produce the outcomes and impacts as designed. Proper understanding of the M&E principles and process and the use of tools help in effective project management. The M&E training course provides the project officer with essential knowledge, overcoming the ambiguous understanding about M&E, and provide them with the tools to use in M&E. The participants will also be trained in skills to use tools properly and effectively in handling M&E of their project.

Training of Trainer
Behaviour Change Communication
Project Planning

R&R’s Training of Trainer provides skills and methods for trainers who will be providing training and capacity-building assistance in a learner-centred training approach. The participants are provided with essential knowledge and guided so that they could analyse the principles of effective lesson structure, practice methods and necessary skills in applying that structure for facilitating training sessions effectively and focus on the learner’s practical skills, other than just providing knowledge. The methods and skills are not only useful in the training but also be applied effectively in the daily life of the learner. In an advance level of training, the participants could explore the phases in designing a training course, and prepare for the course material.

Behaviour Change Communication) BCC  is a process determined/ affected by different factors. It is the fact that a number of communication activities in many fields are implemented ineffectively. A rapid analysis the situation shows that of the causes of situation is the inadequate provision/execution of the necessary factors and conditions. The BCC training course provides the participants with fundamental knowledge of the determinants of the process of behaviour change, methods of conducting BCC, and the skills required to use the methods. In addition, the course provides knowledge and skills in communication management, so that managers of a project, a program, or an organization could analyse their entity’s situation and plan for a comprehensive communication strategy. The course prepares for the participants both the knowledge and skills to work at the implementation level and at the management level.

Project design requires in-depth knowledge of the project structure, principles and process, and experience in analysing interconnected factors. The project design training course provides the participants with essential knowledge of the logical relationships of the project components; the participants could be able to analyse the principles and process of designing a project. The participants are also trained in the use of tools, methods, and practice skills used in designing a project. The achievement of the participant by the end of the course is a complete project frame with full components. The course could be combined with a module on proposal writing, whereby participants are provided with knowledge and trained to master skills in convincing writing. The outcome of the combined course is a convincing project proposal.

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